As a builder of machines or as a manufacturer of processing plants, UL approved control boards can open new markets. Perhaps you are already exporting to local markets and EU countries, and now you would like to enter the USA or Canadian markets. Perhaps you are already receiving queries from the USA or Canada where UL approved control boards are a part of the query.
Choosing Orbital as your business partner to build your UL control boards and which has been UL certified since 2016 you will receive qualified advise and sparring. We project, dimension, document and mark the control boards making sure they meet the UL508A standard. This way all demands are met when building and choosing components. Labels are mounted on our Our UL control boards. A complete electrical technical set of documentation with relevant drawings will be included.
Alle UL tavler bliver bygget i Skjern, hvor Orbital har en effektiv tavleproduktion med engagerede og dygtige medarbejdere. Du får en fast kontaktperson, som du altid kommunikerer med. Produktionen er yderst fleksibel, så der er ikke lang vej fra tanke til handling. Din faste kontaktperson kender dine styretavler rigtig godt og fungerer også som din sparringspartner i forhold til optimeringsmuligheder. Med UL styretavler fra Orbital får du dansk kvalitet og støtter danske arbejdspladser.