Orbital offers a wide range of solutions on how to extend the life of older wind turbines. Through the years we have sold retrofit solutions of wind turbines from a long list of manufacturers.
An upgrade of an older wind turbine can be approached in many ways. Renovation of the wind turbine on site is possible. For this option, Orbital offers a complete renovation kit and a fitting installation guide.Retrofitting the controlling cabinet and nacelle top box at Orbital in Denmark is another approach. A third approach is Orbital delivering a brand new controlling cabinet including sensors, multi wire cables, and nacelle top box. A line of factors will show which solution will be best. Orbital is happy to advise on advantages and disadvantages from the three options.
Orbital har færdige løsninger til opgradering af ældre vindmøller fra en lang række forskellige fabrikanter. Ældre vindmøller fra andre fabrikanter udvikler vi også gerne løsninger til.
Prolonging the life of an older wind turbine is a good way of keeping it in operation. Poor power production and down time are clear symptoms that the wind turbine is in need of an upgraded control system to increase earnings. Rising costs for maintenance is a typical challenge in older wind turbines, as well as limited access to spare parts for the original system and can result in increased costs and down time
Der er en lang række faktorer, som skal med i overvejelserne for at finde den optimale løsning til retrofit. Business-casen, den tekniske kompleksitet, risiko og lovgivningsmæssige krav er nogle af faktorerne. Medarbejderne hos Orbital har stor erfaring med at rådgive om levetidsforlængelse af ældre vindmøller.
Når ældre vindmøller bliver opgraderet med TMC3 vindmøllecontrolleren, kan de samtidig blive koblet på OrbiSCADA. Med en OrbiSCADA-licens, kan brugeren tilgå vindmøllen direkte fra en smartphone og computer. Udover liveovervågning er det muligt at analysere historikken for, hvordan vindmøllen har produceret og indstille parametrene for at optimere den.