Complete control systems for small wind turbines

Complete controlling systems for household wind turbines
TUGE is an Estonian manufacturer of household wind turbines sizing 2, 10 and 50 kW. In 2012 the first TUGE wind turbine was installed, and today there are TUGE wind turbines in Estonia and in the rest of Europe.
Advantages by out-sourcing controlling systems
Until 2016 TUGE produced their own electrical controlling system and DVE Technologies supplied the power electronics. TUGE decided to outsource the controlling systems of wind turbines by finding a strong supplier. When Orbital bought DVE Technologies in 2016 the first point of contact was made between TUGE and Orbital. TUGE had 3 other possible suppliers of controlling systems until they decided for Orbital.
Complete controlling systems for TUGE household wind turbines
Being able to deliver complete controlling systems was the main reason to why TUGE chose Orbital as supplier. Complete controlling systems consist of controlling cabinets, inverters, sensors, topbox and OrbiSCADA. Technical competences, production facilities and capacity were also important criteria in TUGE´s selection process.
Controlling systems in the wind turbine industry with a strong track record
Orbital has more than 8500 controlling systems world wide. Development, production and support of these systems shows Orbitals substantial experience with-in the wind industry. TUGE explains how this experience has had great value to them, ” Our supplier of controlling systems must be trustworthy and easy to work with. It is important there is technical understanding and chemistry which is exactly the case with Orbital. It creates value for our business. Our customers appreciates that the controlling system for the wind turbines has been tested well and is operational for a long time”.
Many years of experience in the wind industry
When working with Orbital, TUGE gains access to other branches of the wind turbine industry. Orbital has substantial experience and a huge network which can be activated and made accessible to the next generation of wind turbine manufacturers like TUGE
OrbiSCADA – surveillance of wind turbines
TUGE uses their OrbiSCADA access to stay updated on wind turbine operation.The system updates with live data every second and it stores data every minute. OrbiSCADA works with all components in the controlling system which makes it possible to read the exact status and condition of the wind turbine. TUGE uses OrbiSCADA every single day from smartphones and computer and so do TUGE customers.