Dump load controller
For wind turbine installations on markets where legislation claims overproduction may not be distributed onto the grid
Dump load controller for overproduktion
Orbital´s dump load controller is a highly efficient three phase converter right from direct current, DC and overproduction, and peaks from generators will be bypassed to external dump loads.
Orbitals dump load controller solution is being used for wind turbine installations on markets where legislation and grid standards claim that overproduction may not be distributed. This applies to certain types of wind turbine installations in Denmark, Italy and Japan.
The throughput to the dump load controller can be controlled very precise through analog or digitale interfaces. The dump load controller is designet to handle the wind turbines real operation with a latency under 0,5 m/s and up til 1.000 set points per second.
High frequent PWM IGBT switching provides high efficiency with no audible switching noise. Optional inductors can be connected directly to the dump load controller, hereby reducing harmonical current distortions.
High efficiency
Supports to and beyond 3×600 VAC input voltage
CAN bus or RS485 modbus controlled to 1000 setpoints pr. sekund
16 bitpoint-resolution
Low response <0,5 ms. for digital input
Dump load resistor monitoring
Internal DC current, voltage and power measurement
Analogue 0-10 VDC or 4-20 mA setpoints
Power quality compliance, specified and set by European and international standards
Quality components for industrial usage
Built in 230 VAC relay for external fan control