Orbital´s grid feed inverter meets the highest demands with-in power quality, power controlling and safety.
Wind turbine inverter 10-25 kW
Inverter technology makes it possible to control magnet (PMG) and inductive wind turbine generators. Due to grid legislations in different markets, it is clear that wind turbine installations need inverters. Orbital´s grid feed inverter is a full bridge four phase transformer-less power converter which allows both power production and generator operation hereunder ramp start and stop.
High frequency IGBT switching ensures elimination of generator vibrations. It ensures optimal generator efficiency by reducing unwanted harmonic loads compared to passive rectifier inverters. The electrical filtres remove the need for shielded power cables and hereby reduces the overall costs for generators and cables.
Wind turbine inverter of high quality and safety
Orbital´s grid feed inverter meets the highest demands with-in power quality, power controlling and safety. The built-in high speed controllers contain advanced functions such as controlling the power curb and anti.island protection which suit both grid connected and off grid connected wind turbines.
It is possible to order Orbital´s inverters in a variety of configurations, both single, split and three phased. The inverter suits wind turbine generators sizing from 10kW to 25kW
The inverter does not only suit wind turbine installations, but also hydro installations.
Single, split og 3-fasede versioner op til 25 kVA
Effektiv generatorstyring af permanent magnet og induktionsgeneratorer
Full 4-quadrant aktiv converter
Højfrekvens PWM uden generatorstøj
Effektivitet på 95 %
Hurtig CAN Bus styring og overvågning
Strømkvalitet og EMC-godkendelse i henhold til europæiske standarder
Passiv og aktiv anti-island detektering
Strømmåling og overload detektering
Indbygget powerkurve og avanceret styring, inklusiv blød start og stop
Lavt strømforbrug på standby
Kvalitetskomponenter og lang levetid
100 % danskudviklet- og produceret